If all you ever say to the Father are words sung in a song, how pitiful that must be! Sure, many of the songs we sing are a great source of inspiration, and they may very well aptly convey our thoughts and feelings, but, shouldn’t you talk to your Father in your own words, sometimes? Prayer Time should include (but not necessarily be limited to) Praise and Worship. And yet, a Praise/Worship session is not necessarily a long string of exciting songs! Sometimes, just talk! You are in a relationship with the Father, remember? Imagine that whenever you want to talk to your spouse or girlfriend or boyfriend you merely pick up a popular ‘suitable’ song. No matter how beautful or heartfelt your singing proves to be, that relationship would not go very far! You can’t address every communication need with some ready song! It’s not much different when we come before the Father. Sometimes the songs, like useful keys to a set of doors, help to let us in; but we must not just stand there jangling those keys at Him! Sometimes, just talk – in your own words!