Everybody thinks, right? And it’s indeed a wonderful thing that we are ordinarily not able to read other people’s thoughts. What a burden God must bear, to be always aware of the thoughts in a billion minds! And some of those thoughts dark enough to quench the sun’s light! How ridiculous some thoughts must seem to him, and yet others probably hilariously outrageous. But some thoughts, I believe, must seem beautiful, soul-tickling, refreshing, even to God.
Thoughts. We all bear them, think them, hide them. I share mine here, hoping they reflect the mind of the One who thought of me and loved me enough to die for me even long before I became more than a thought: Jesus Christ.

Only In Songs?
If all you ever say to the Father are words sung in a song, how pitiful that must be! Sure, ...

Listen To Counsel Sometimes?
Moses was going to kill himself! Yes, the very Moses who spoke face to face with God; the meekest man ...

God Is Creating A Masterpiece!
As every good writer knows, you cannot write a thriller, or come close to creating a masterpiece, without weaving in ...

Paying For Our ‘Too-Much’ Sins?
So the killings happening to our people are a consequence of the sins of the Church in Nigeria? So our ...

A Prophet Of The Lord Was There
Oded was a prophet in Samaria, the capital of the Northern portion of the divided Jewish nation, at a time ...

Raised For A Time Like This, Perhaps?
Queen Esther said to Mordecai her uncle, at a time when her people were scheduled by royal decree for extermination, ...

Reflecting with HUTSI – from my AWAKEN album
HUTSI This song is track 1 from my 1999 album Awaken, written about the time of the Hutu/Tutsi crisis in ...

Minding Our Business?
They say 'men of God' should mind only religious matters, and not meddle in politics; and we foolishly agree with ...

Sons, No Bastards!
He must be an irresponsible son who goes about rejoicing only in the fact that his son-ship does not depend ...

Being Less To Please?
So, now, strong Christian friend, you seek to be less than what you are just to make others happy? Don't! ...

On Legalizing Disorders
Kleptomania is a disorder, as most enlightened folks would agree. Lately I have wondered: How would one respond to a ...

Voice of the People, Voice of God!
I love democracy, as you probably do. It gives the people a voice of their own. It doesn't matter if ...